Subsequent to each thematic lecture, as a group of 4 we were required to submit a synopsis of a text during the discussion session within the same day. Its aim was for us to read a selected reading in relation to the theme that has been discussed in class for the week and submit a synopsis of it in a form of presentation on a weekly basis. We were also required to identify architecture and/or urban schemes to illustrate the theme in our presentations. There was a total of 4 synopsis each one carrying a weight-age of 10% and hence a total of 40% at the end of project 1.

The TGC acquired through this project was (1) and (3):

1) Discipline Specific Knowledge
- which is to be able to put theories into practice by understanding ethical issues in the context of the field of studies and also the professional practice within the study.

3) Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- this is to be able to think critically and creatively followed by defining and analyse problems to arrive at effective solutions.

PART I: Analysing “Through the eyes” of an architect/urban designer/ theoretician:

Part 1: This project asks us to select a defined area of your hometown and see it “through the eyes” of one architect, urban designer or theoretician that was discussed in the lecture series. In a group we are asked to apply or translate design theories and historic urban design approaches onto this area. Imagining how the architect or urban designer may have analysed and interpreted in this chosen area.

The TGC acquired through this project was (3), (4) and (5):

3) Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- this is to be able to think critically and creatively followed by defining and analyse problems to arrive at effective solutions.

4) Communication Skills
- Communicate appropriately in various setting and modes,

5) Interpersonal Skills
- by understanding team dynamics and utilize the power of teams with the help of assuming the leadership capabilities.

Stage 1

Stage 2


Stage 3:
By analysing and theorizing architecture individually I was to select a particular building within the chosen area from stage 2. I was to study the impact of external factors on architecture (emphasizing on how the architect had responded to the factors in realizing their theoretical intention)
The latter was subjected to the addition of 2000 words essay to support the analysis boards

Analysis Boards of External Factors


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